

This web site contains information about our Hughes family 
ancestors that are no longer with us. For information about 
living relatives, please go to: 
Return to Hughes Central

i.     Introduction
I. Summary
II. In Wales
III. Migration to America by John (Generation 1), 1698
IV. Pennsylvania, 1698-1805
A. Oley Valley and Ellis (Generation 2)
1. Where they are buried? (Photos) 2.Map showing where they moved.
B. Ellis (Generation 2) & John (Generation 3) & Historical Oley
1.John's farm
C. The Hughes/Boone connection and George Hughes (Generation 4)
V. Canada and James (Generation 5), 1805-1853
A. Map of James and Martha's migration route to Canada.
VI. Iowa and Kansas and George and Edwin (Generation 6 and 7), 1853-1900
A. Map of Iowa locations. B. Map of Kansas locations. VII. Montana and Washington and John Wesley (Generation 8)

A. Map showing McAllister, Montana. B. Map showing Sumas in the state of Washington. C. Pictures of Generation 8

Bibliography Addendum 1: A Brief Account of the Society of Friends in Colonial America
APPENDIX I: The First Eight Generations of Hughes Families in America, start here
APPENDIX II: The Descendants of John Wesley and Sarah (Vincent) Hughes

Click Here To go to Generation 9 VIII. Hughes and Meadow Creek History. (AboutGeneration 9 and subsequent generations)

e-mail: R R Hughes Last updated 8/21/08 by R Hughes